Changing the Administration Key with vSEC_CMS

Bring up the vSEC_CMS  "Card Actions" screen.

Select the "Change Administrative Key" Tab, the sixth icon from the Home icon.

 Make sure the current admin key is correct. The default Admin key of the C2 minidriver cards is:


Enter a new admin key, and confirm the new admin key.  Or the Random button may be used to generate a random Admin Key. 

The vSEC_CMS application will require the user to press the Copy button to copy the new Admin Key to the clipboard.

Make sure to store your new admin key that has been copied to the clipboard. We recommend that you print the admin key, and store it in a physically secure place. Do not store the admin key on a computer that can be compromised.

Click the "Change Key" button. If successful, you will see the following:


If unsuccessful, you will see the following:



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