Introduction to the vSEC_CMS utility

Advanced smart card management systems are available from multiple vendors, and the Taglio C2 minidriver supports many of them.

No matter what specific tools you use to manage the card, there are several card management tasks that are required to securely and effectively issue and use a smart card. These include changing the Admin Key, setting the PIN and unblocking the PIN. You can implement these basic card management tasks with Windows and the vSEC_CMS utility.

vSEC_CMS is a card management system developed by Versatile Security Sweden AB ( vSEC_CMS does not require you to set up a server. This makes it well suited for use in smaller roll outs. You can download the free basic vSEC_CMS client from the Taglio download page.

Note: We recommend you use the vSEC_CMS utility with only a single smart card reader to ensure you do not change the incorrect card.

To get started with card management tasks, launch vSEC_CMS  and choose the Card Actions icon to the right of the Home Icon.



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